23 June 2014: The WETI manifesto
Aleks Scholz (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) rambles on about WETI yet again at dotastronomy 8, Pembroke College, Oxford, and presents the WETI manifesto. It is a good, solid manifesto of 10 articles. Not one of the words used is casual. Ok, maybe some are.
23-25 May 2014: Waiting for Aliens in Switzerland
WETI's Aleks Scholz (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) gives a talk about WETI ("Warten auf die Ausserirdischen") at the "Kontakt – Lesen und Schreiben im Weltall" conference organised by the University of Zurich's Conditio Extraterrestris project.
April 2016: The wait for a new website is over
June 2014: Possibly broke spacetime
Ok, this is merely the default article headline in the website template we're using. But hey, there's always the possibility.
Juli 2012: WETI now communicating with aliens via T-shirts
As already announced at dotastronomy 4, the WETI institute is now collaborating with the German startup company zufallsshirt.de - a site that generates T-shirt prints from nothing, or, more accurately, from the Universe of randomly assembled text and figures. Why are we so excited about this collaboration? After long research our institute has determined that aliens are most likely to contact us by acting upon the cosmological randomness and thus affect messages on T-shirts. Clearly, this is the technically easiest and most elegant way to transmit messages over vast distances without being limited by the speed of light. We are currently working on a software that will constantly monitor the output of the T-shirt machine. Once this is achieved, we will sit back and wait for alien messages. A paper outlining the theory behind this mechanism is in preparation and will soon be published in the reputable 'Journal of Cosmology'.
January 2012: Waiting to go: WETI goes mobile with Android app!
The WETI team is extremely pleased to announce the release of the first WETI application for Android. This truly revolutionary tool allows you to monitor your waiting progress in real-time, while you are on the move - no matter on which planet. This completely transforms the waiting experience, no more tedious hanging around without any information about what's going on, instead, you are completely in control. You will know immediately when something interesting related to alien landings happens, anywhere in the Universe. Additionally, the versatile application will keep you abreast of WETI's twitter updates. Isn't that great? This extraordinary piece of software (see below for screenshots) was developed by Johannes Jander, an actual programmer, and runs on all Android versions. What are you waiting for? Download it at
26 April 2011: Good news: WETI funding guaranteed until at least 2620.
We regret to hear that the search for aliens by the SETI institute has been suspended due to a lack of funding. Over the next 2 years, SETI would need $5 million to support the operations. In this context, we would like to assure the public that the WETI institute has guaranteed funding until at least 2620 with an option until the year 5000. For this limited time span, WETI requires approximately $0 (tax included). We would like to thank our sponsors for this substantial commitment under difficult economic circumstances.
26 October 2008: WETI's Knarps Hoselton (Bruno Moravetz Chair Emeritus) is interviewed by Deutschlandradio Kultur (00:05 - 01:00, in German)
25 September 2008: Introducing the Effortless Action Committee
Join WETI's Effortless Action Committee and instantly receive an attractive membership certificate. No waiting!
23 September 2008: WETI now on Twitter
You can now follow WETI on Twitter
22-24 September 2008: WETI at dotastronomy
A qualified delegation of the WETI Institute, probably led by the honorable Knarps Hoselton (if his health allows it), will represent our organisation at the conference .dotastronomy - Networked Astronomy and the New Media. The conference takes place in Cardiff on 22-24 September 2008. We will present a poster about all kinds of interesting issues and have a drink afterwards.
Download the WETI poster (PDF, 170 kb)!
1 September 2008: Website relaunched
It is early September 2008 and we have finally managed to remember the password for our web server. This is causally related to the relaunch of the WETI webpages, which we herewith happily announce. New features: We are now calculating the number of confirmed contacts and the currently active units in real time. Soon it will be winter.